Level 1

”CrossFit Baseball”
in teams of two or three, score as many runs as possible in 25 minutes.
1st base – 25 Russian KB Swings 53#/35#
2nd base – 30 Squats
3rd base – 12 Squat Thrusts
Home Plate – 20/15 Calories on Rower
* A run is scored after Cals have been completed on the rower. You can not pass another player on your own team.
Post how many players were on your team and runs scored.





Level 2

5000m Row
* Every 500m run 200m – Every 1000m do 10 Burpees.
Post time.




“Weight Vest Wednesday”

4 Rounds
600m Run
10 Pull Ups
20 Plate Clean and Press 35#/25#
10 Burpees
20 DB Step Ups * 1 DB 35#/25# 20”
Post time.