"Three for the Price of One"

AMRAP in 10 minutes of each triplet:

1). 10 Push Ball 20#/26#
     10 Burpees
     10 Double Unders

Rest 3 minutes

2).  3 Pull-Ups
      6 Push-Ups
     12 Squats

Rest 3 minutes

3).  3 Deadlift 75#/55#
      6 Front Squat
      9 Split Jerk

Post rounds for each to comments.

We will be having our regularly scheduled morning classes (5:30am, 9am, and 10am) and will also have a class at 11am, the gym will be closed at noon, classes will resume as scheduled Tuesday at 5:30am.

We are planning to add a few more classes to the schedule in June and changing the time for the late evening classes.  The new time for the Monday and Thursday late class will be 6:00pm instead of 6:30pm.  The Olympic Lifting class is tentatively scheduled for either 12:00pm Saturdays, or 10:00am Sundays.  We are also discussing adding an 8:00am class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Please post your thoughts to comments to help us adjust the schedule to fit the needs of most…

Do You Handstand?

by Lisa Barbara

You should! It is a great way to increase your balance, shoulder strength and shoulder flexibility.  Besides, have you seen the shoulders on gymnasts?  They are Hot!

Here is what Coach Glassman has to say.  (The rest of the article can be read in the CrossFit Journal 17, January 2004.)

"Being able to balance one's inverted body on the hands is a lost skill
in mainstream fitness today, but its benefits make it more than worth
taking the time to master. Obviously, training handstands improves
balance and increases shoulder strength," but, says Greg Glassman,
"ending the analysis there doesn't speak to the singularly unique
advantages" of such training for increasing "proprioception and core
strength that other protocols cannot, will not, deliver"