Happy New Year CrossFit East County!!!
Start the new year off with a fun workout.
2020 was rough but we prevailed…because us CFEC people are tough and resilient. We adapt and overcome. Although, 2021 is still an unknown let’s focus on our fitness and health. That’s why we train…to be prepared for the unknown. Key word..”prepared”. Be prepared, not just “ready” or waiting for life’s challenges.
In 2021, face your fears and challenge yourself.
But today let’s have fun and do a workout to work off that hang over 😜
3 Rounds
20 Box Jumps 24/20#
21 Pull-ups
3 Rounds
20 Overhead Lunges 45/35#
21 Pushups
3 Rounds
20 Goblet Squats 53/35#
21 Cal Row
3 Rounds
20 KB Swings
21 Burpees
-Post Time
Optional workout
5 Sets
15/12 Cal Bike
50’ DB Front Rack Walking Lunges 35/25#
10 Burpee Over DBs
-Rest 2:00 b/t Rounds
1 Mile Run
75 KB Swings 53/35#
1 Mile Run
75 GHD Sit-ups
-Post time
Dylan 49:09 Rx
Tina 48:24
Newman 37:27 Rx
Andy 38:02 Rx
Michael 31:15
Jeff 9:31 Rx
Erica S. 40:28 Rx
Susan 30:33 Rx
Nicole H. 37:30
Paul 34:01 Rx