Level 1

Partner Workout
In teams of two, complete the following:

4 Rounds
P1  Feet held 6” off the ground  w/25#/15# on shins
P2 10 Thrusters  75#/55# + 10 Pull Ups
* Work can only be completed while feet are off the ground.
4 Rounds
P1  10/7 Calories on Assault Bike + 5 Burpees
P2 Hanging from Pull Up bar
* Work can only be completed while hanging from bar.
10 Sled Pushes  135#/90#
P1 Pushes Sled 50 ft.
P2 Handstand Hold
* Work can only be completed while person is inverted.


Level 2

3 Mile Run
100 Russian KB Swings  70#/53#
Post time.


CrossFit Old School

5 Rounds
35 Double Unders
12 Deck Squats  25#/15#
12 Push Ups
12 Pull Ups
Post time.