Partner Workout
In teams of two, complete the following:

42 – 30 – 18
Thrusters  95#/65#
Pull Ups
One person works at a time.
* Partition out the reps between partners as desired.
100 – 80 – 60 – 40 – 20
Double Unders
Sit Ups
One person works at a time.
* Partition out the reps as desired.
100 Burpees
P1 Does Burpees
P2 Holds bar overhead
* Switch as desired.
Post time.


Optional Workout

3 Rounds
200m Run
20 KB Swings  53#/35#
50 Double Unders
3 Rounds
500m Row
20 GHD Sit Ups
20/15 Push Ups
40 Squats
Post time.

1200m Run
3 Rounds
25 DB Hang Power Cleans  35#/25#
25 DB Walking Lunges
25 Push Jerks
75 Double Unders
1200m Run
Post time.