Partner Workout

In teams of two, complete the following:
AMRAP in 10 minutes
P1 25 Double Unders + 12 SDLHP  75#/55# + 12 Push Press
P2 Calorie Row
– Rest 3 minutes –
AMRAP in 10 minutes
P1 15 GHD Sit Ups + 10 Pull Ups
P2 Wall Sit
– Rest 3 minutes –
AMRAP in 10 minutes
P1 12/10 Calories on Assault Bike + 12 Thrusters  75#/55#
P2 Hangs from Pull Up Bar
Post rep total for each, plus calories.


Optional Workout

3 Mile Run
6,000m Row
Post time.


4 Rounds
600m Run
50 Double Unders
12 KB Front Rack Step Ups
2@ 35#/26#      20″/16″
12 KB Gorilla Rows  1/1
6 Burpee Box Jump Over  20″/16″
Post time.