Partner Workout
In teams of two, complete the following:
50 Calories on Assault Bike
* One person rides at a time.
50 Calorie Row
* One person rows at a time.
100m Tire Flip 250#/200#
* Switch as desired.
5 Rounds
P1 5 Squat Cleans 95#/65# + 5 Pull Ups
P2 25 Double Unders
* Switch whenever both partners have finished.
Post time.
Optional Workout
5 Rounds
250m Row
30 Step Ups 20”
10 Pull Ups
10 Burpees
Post time.
”Party With The Girls”
400m Run
21 KB Swings 53#/35#
12 Pull Ups
400m Run
30 Box Jumps 24”/20”
30 Wall Ball 20#/14#
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats 95#/65#
50 Double Unders
50 Sit Ups
Post time.
5:15 am
Erica S. / Armando 34:03 Rx 200m TF
Andy 19:56 Rx
Diana 20:58 Rx
Clarissa 21:56
Boris 20:10 Rx
Luisa 25:20
Tiffany 16:58Rx
Josh 19:36Rx
Sam S 17:54Rx
Nicole 21:24
Dylan 16:19Rx
Ed 19:35Rx
Tina 18:44Rx
Barb 21:50
Steve 22:00
Gary 19:14Rx
Trapp 16:39Rx
Frankie 19:26Rx
Emma 28:04
Mark 29:35
Newman 26:21
Mariyah 20:00Rx