Partner Workout
In teams of two, complete the following:

4 Rounds
P1  100m Farmer’s Walk  2 @ 53#/2 @ 35#
P2  Max Reps Wall Ball  20#/14#
* One person does the FW, while the other gets as many reps as possible of WB.
3 Rounds
P1 50 Double Unders / 10 Burpees
P2 Forearm Plank Hold
* One person does the DU’s and Burpees, while the other holds the plank.
4 Rounds
P1  15/10 Cals on Assault Bike / 5 Shoulder to Overhead  135#/95#
P2 Wall Sit
* One person completes a full round, while the other does WS.
Post WB reps and time.