Partner Workout

In teams of two, complete the following:

4 Rounds
P1  30 Double Unders + 7 Burpees
P2  KB Front Rack Hold  2 @ 35#/26#  (L2 2 @ 53#/35#)
* Movements can only be completed while Partner has KB’s in Front Rack position.
3 Rounds
P1 12 Single Arm DB Thruster Right + 12 Single Arm Thruster Left  35#/25#
P2 Overhead Plate Hold  45#/35#
* Movements can only be completed while Plate s held overhead.
150 Calorie Row
Switch every 25 Calories
Post time.

Optional Workout

10 Rounds
200m Run
7 Clean and Jerks  95#/65#  (L2 135#/95#)
4 Burpee Box Jumps  24″/20″
Post time.

1000m Row
50 Thrusters  45#/35#
60 Pull Ups
50 Thrusters
1000m Row
Post time.