Partner Workout
In teams of two, complete the following:
300 Double Unders
300 Squats
300 Sit Ups
* Both people can work at once, but NOT doing the same exercise.
100 ft. Wheelbarrow Walks
3 Rounds
P1 12 Power Cleans 95#/65# + 10 Pull Ups
P2 Max Calories on Assault Bike
100 ft. Wheelbarrow Walks
50 Burpees
* One person works at a time.
100 ft. Wheelbarrow Walks
Post time and calories.
Optional Workout
21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6
Calorie Row
Wall Ball 20#/14#
*400m Run after every round.
100 Double Unders
90 Sit Ups
80 Squats
70 Mt. Climbers R+L=1
60 Russian KB Swings 53#/35#
50 Walking Lunges
Post time.
5:15 am
Armando/ Erica S. 35:09 Rx 66 Cals
Emily W. / Andy 35:29 110 Cals
Kendric/ Newman 36:57 Rx 83 Cals
Emily 25:45 Rx
Felisa 40:08
Travis 18:5 Rx
Trapp 11:48 Rx
Rob 18:12
Clarissa 19:15
Mariah 17:24
Andrea 27:14Rx
Savannah 30:45Rx
Tina 😃
Erica S 35:26rx
Stephanie 28:05Rx
Nicole 39:16
Alex 22:25Rx 16#
Walt 19:42Rx
Jennifer 17:52Rx
Marta 22:43Rx
Laurie 20:06
Sonya 18:41
Antonio 13:04
Andrea 13:26Rx
Beverly 18:02 Rx
Justin Rx/Jared/Cam Rx 32:43 95
Tyler Rx/Bryan 39:09 65
Jen/Michael 42:00 51’
Chris 23:48Rx
Mariah 31:40
Tim K 25:26Rx GHD