Level 1

EMOM for 12 minutes
Odd minutes: 3 Front Squats  @ 85% – 90% of 1RM
Even minutes: 4 Alternating Handstand Shoulder Touches
7 Rounds
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
20 Calorie Row
Post load and time.


Level 2

3 Rounds
400m Run
10 Sandbag Thrusters  70#/50#
20 SB Back Rack Alternating Reverse Lunges
20 Shoulder to Overhead  155#/105#
30 – 20 – 10
Calories on Assault Bike
Alternating Pistols
Post time.


CrossFit Old School
5 Rounds
25 Double Unders
20 Goblet Squats   35#/26#
10 KB Clean and Jerk Right Arm
10 KB Clean and Jerk Left Arm
10 Pull Ups
Post time.