Happy Memorial Day.  Please take a few moments out of your day to give thanks to the selfless and brave heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our great nation and all that it stands for.


Choose one Hero Workout

1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
* Wear a weight vest 20#/14#.
Partition all the gym movements as desired.
Post time


“Half Murph”
800m Run
50 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
150 Squats
800m Run
* Wear a weight vest if desired.
* Partition all gym movements if desired.
Post time.


1 Mile Run
2000m Row
1 Mile Run
Post time.


5 Rounds
15 Deadlifts   225#/155#
20 Box Jumps  24″/20″
25 Pull Ups
Post time.


7 Rounds
15 KB Swings  53#/35#
15 Power Cleans   95#/65#
15 Box Jumps  24″/20″
Post time.