Congratulations to longtime CFEC member, Elizabeth on her wedding over the weekend. CFEC wishes all the best to Elizabeth and her husband, Joseph.


Level 1

”Kelley Family”
5 Rounds
15 Deadlifts   95#/65#
10 Hang Power Cleans and Jerks
200m Run
20 Russian KB Swings   53#/35#
10 Pull Ups
Post time.



Level 2

4 Rounds
1000m Row
30 Wall Ball  20#/14#
– Rest 2 minutes between rounds –
‘Post time minus 6 minutes.



CrossFit Old School

50 – 40 – 30
Sit Ups
Double Unders
Plate Clean and Press  35#/25#
* 400m Run after every round.
Post time.