Level 1

800M Run

In the time it takes to run 800m, do max reps Front Squats 95#/63#

The number of Front Squats completed do the same number of Burpees

In the time it takes to complete the Burpee reps, do max reps Sit Ups

The number of Sit Ups completed do the same number of KB Swings 53#/35#

In the time it takes to complete KB Swings do max reps Pull Ups

Finish with 800M run

Post total time and reps.


Level 2

E2MOM for 20 Min:

10 Wall Ball 30#/20#

10 Pull Ups

25 Double Unders

Post Rx’d or not.


Level 2X

Vanquish Warm Up

Snatch Grip Deadlift 3,3,3,3,3

Overhead Squat 3,3,3,3,3 with a 3 sec pause at bottom

Snatch Grip Pullups, AMRAP x 3

Post loads and pullup total.


Thank you to Henry for coming out to teach the Vanquish Performance Olympic Lifting clinic!  It was a very eye opening, informative, exhausting, and inspiring two days.  As athletes we are always striving to become better, and your coaches are always striving to help you reach your full potential.  Your coaches look forward to helping everyone reach his or her own goals, no matter what they may be!