Reminder: Monday is Memorial Day. We will only have one class at 8:30 am.
Choose One
7 Rounds
50 ft Sled Push 170#/135#50
50 ft. Walking Lunges
200m Run
20 Plate Clean and Press 35#/25#
10 GHD Sit Ups
Pose time.
50 Calorie Row
50 Squats
50 Sit Ups
50 Double Unders
50 DB Deadlifts 35#/25#
50 DB Push Jerks
50 Squat Thrusts
50 Calorie Row
Post time.
Front Squat 5,5,5,5,5 AHAP
Dips 6,6,6,6,6
Post load.
Andrea 33:17Rx
Dylan 34:41Rx 45# goblet sqt GHD burpees
Armando 22:20Rx
Rob 28:06Rx
Sloane 165/💪🏼
Sloane 27:52Rx
Pat 40:05
Erica S 33:46Rx
Lisa 30:34Rx
Tina 31:50Rx
Steph 30:35Rx
Nicole 34:36Rx
Steve 31:55
Barb 29:45
Savannah 28:19Rx
Bowen 36:00
Kayla 22:38Rx 30#
Diego 36:23
Mariyah 145/😊
Andrea 125/😃