1500m Row
AMRAP in 2 X Row time of: (Ex: 5:30 Row time = 11 minute AMRAP)
10 Power Clean and Jerks 95#/65# (L2 115#/75#)
10 Burpees Over Bar
20 Squats
– Rest 4 minutes –
Take the completed rounds of the AMRAP for time.
(Ex: If you completed 5 rounds plus 8 reps, now do 5 rounds (only) for time.)
Take the time it took for your AMRAP score and row for Max meters.
(Ex: I you completed the 5 rounds of 10 PC&J’s, 10 BOB’s and 20 Squats in 11:42. Max meters on the Rower in 11:42.)
– Rest 4 minutes –
1 Mile Run
Post Row time, rounds completed, time, meters and time for the mile.