Level 1

EMOM for 30 minutes
1st min:  3 Power Cleans  *AHAP
2nd min:  12 GHD Sit Ups
3rd min:  30 Double Unders
4th min:  3 Push Press  *AHAP
5th min:  200m Run
6th min: Rest
1 Mile Run
20 Burpee Pull Ups
Post loads and time.


Level 2

Take 12 minutes to find 1RM:
Clean and Jerk
25 Toes to Bar
800m Run
25 Toes to Bar
800m Run
25 Toes to Bar
Post load and time.


CrossFit Old School

100  Squats
90 Sit-Ups
80 Walking Lunges
70 Plate Clean and Press  35#/25#
60 Second Plank Hold (On hands)
50 Mountain Climbers (R/L=1)
40 Hollow Rocks  F+B=1
30 Push Ups
20 Squat Jumps w/ Barbell 45#/35#
10 Strict Pull-Ups
Post time.