Level One
100 Double Unders
75 Ab Mat sit ups
50 alt DB Snatches 35/25#
25 Burpee Pull-ups
-Rest 3:00-
25 Burpee pull-ups
50 alt DB Snatches
75 Abmat sit ups
100 Double Unders
-Post Time minus 3:00
**Extra Credit**
10 Sets
50m Max effort sprint
-Walk Back 50m for rest
Level Two
Push Press
-Find Heavy Triple
Push Jerk
-Find Heavy Double
Split Jerk
-Find Heavy Single
150 Zeus Rope Double Unders
75 Double KB hang Power Cleans 2×53/35#
150 Zeus Rope Double Unders
-Post Load for Each and time
5 Sets
3:00 Easy pace
2:00 Moderate pace
1:00 Fast Pace
*No Rest b/t the 3:00,2:00 and 1:00
*Rest 2:00 b/t sets
Easy pace: men, 2:00-2:10/500m. Female, 2:10-2:20/500m
Moderate pace: men, 1:50-2:00/500m. Female, 2:00-2:10/500m
Fast Pace: men, 1:40-1:50/500m.
Female: 1:50-2:00/500m.
**These are Just guidelines. Everyone’s pacing will be different. Find a pace that you can consistently maintain for the select time domain each set based on your ability.
-Post total meters
L 1
Rose 26:26
Shane 27:32
Travis 28:04 Rx
Alex D. 22:21 Rx
Tim S. 26:20 Rx
Rob 27:36 Rx
Newman 17:52 Rx
Paul 19:50 Rx
L 1
Shelly 33:47
Celine 27:57 EC
Linda 23:33
Barb 32:30
Steve 31:30
Matt S. 30:30
Jessica 24:11
Tina 32:25 Rx. EC
Nicole H. 33:12 EC
Jennifer 33:50. EC
Sophie 28:56. EC
Leo 29:05. EC
Russell 27:45 Rx
Vince 23:26
Trapp 20:41 Rx. EC
Jeff S. 25:26 Rx. 40#. EC
Ali 33:00
Alex 22:50
Jack 25:50 Rx
Amber 36:36 EC
Tina H 20:04 RX EC
Nicole 22:47 RX EC
Lisa 22:17 RX 35#DB EC
Lisa C 25:24
Jojo 16:26 RX
Audrey 26:54
Roarke 22:00 RX EC
Kristine 21:54 RX EC
Cowboy 24:50
Robert 24:10
Chris 21:09
Jake 185/225/245 16:54 RX
Bryan 155/215/225 16:32 RX
Old School
Dylan 7062 RX
Chris B 7102 RX
Bev 35:05 RX EC
Sara 30:40 RX
Sanoe 32:39
Aukahi 29:50
Kila 18:58 RX
Pat 33:28 RX EC