Reminder: We will be having our 11th Annual CFEC Christmas Party Monday 24th at 10:00 a.m. It will be a potluck, so look for the sign up sheet to place your name and the dish you’ll be bringing. There will be the traditional White Elephant gift exchange, as well. It’ll be a great time. Make your plans to attend.


Level 1

EMOM for 15 minutes
1st minute: 8 Front Squats  *AHAP
2nd minute: 10 GHD Sit Ups
3rd minute: 5/3 Handstand Push Ups


800m Run
30 DB Thrusters  35#/25#
30 Burpees
Post load and time.


Level 2

EMOM for 15 minutes
1st minute:  1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat  *AHAP
2nd minute:  5 Weighted Strict Pull Ups  *AHAP
3rd minute:  1 Max Height Box Jump


3 Rounds
30 Double Unders
10 KB Snatch Right Arm   53#/44#
10 KB Overhead Reverse Lunge Right Leg
10 KB Front Squats Right Arm
10 KB Snatch Left Arm
10 KB Reverse Lunge Left Leg
10 KB Front Squat Left Arm
Post loads and time.


CrossFit Old School

1 Mile Run
2000m Row
5 Miles on Assault Bike
200 Double Unders
Post time.