Reminder: Today’s classes are 5:15, 7am-9am Open gym, 9am and 12pm classes only… no evening classes. Also, Friday is 8:30am class only for New Years Wod
Level One
3 Sets
7:00 AMRAP
12 Single Arm DB Push press (35/25#) Right Arm
12 Single Arm DB Push press (left arm)
24 Double Unders
Extra Credit
3 Rounds
1:00 Dead Hang
1:00 Handstand Hold
1:00 Plank Hold (Hands)
1:00 Wall Sit
-Rest 1:00 b/t
***Time is accumulative but goal is to hold for the whole minute without stopping.
-Post total Reps and complete EC or not
Level Two
4 Rounds
50 Zeus Double Unders
50’ Handstand Walk
10 Power Snatch 135/95#
50’ Handstand Walk
-Rest 1:1 OR do with a partner (alternating rounds)
10 Rounds (1 round every :30)
10 Toes to Bar
-Post time (including rest)
– If with a partner: your teams score is total time for 8 rounds (4 each)
-Rest :30 Between rows
-Rest 1:00 after each 4th row of each set. (500m, :30 rest, 500m, :30 rest, 500m, :30 rest, 500m, 1:00 rest, 400m, :30 rest……..)
***Each new set since its lower meters should be a faster pace then the set before it. Your 200m and 100m sets should be sprints.
-Post fastest split of each set.
Justin 162/144/146 EC
Jonathan 156/188/11 EC
Andy 120/120/120 EC
Rob 156/144/160 RX all
Erica S. 156/152/133 Rx all
L 1
Dylan 288/300/40 Rx All
Erica-/-/305 Rx
Andrea 288/298/290 Rx All EC
Vince 240/240/240
Marta 192/204/236 EC
Barb 221/240/236 EC
Jimmy 245/161/200 Rx All
Alex 213/216/238 EC
Kristine 216/240/274 EC
Sam S. 269/264-274 Rx All EC
L 2
BK 32:08 Rx
Nicole H. 2:33/1:58/1:29/:59/:26 Rx
Tina 2:20/1:44/1:17/:46/:23 Rx
Lisa C. 192/192.192
Severen 204/173/156 Rx All
Eric 216/192/168 EC
Brian V. 205/192/194 EC
Jason 192/205/192 EC
Pat 219/216/144 Rx All EC
Sam 258/250/252 Rx All EC
Chris B. 29:21 (15 cal ski/ 25′ HSW’s/ 115# psn)/ T2B=Complete
Jake 29:05 Rx/ T2B=Complete
Kila 42:12 Rx