Level 1

“No Time Tuesday”

5 Sets
50 Ft. Sled Push  135#/90#
50 ft. DB Walking Lunges  35#/25#
12 GHD Sit Ups
6/3 Ring Dips
6/3 Strict Pull Ups
Post completed or not.


Level 2

Bench Press  3,3,3,3,3
DB Bulgarian Split Squats 6,6,6,6,6
Each leg.   *AHAP
20 Sets
On Assault Bike
:15 All Out
:15 Recovery
Post loads and calories.


CrossFit Old School

7 Rounds
15/10 Calories on Assault Bike
10 Thrusters  75#/55#
8 Toes to Bar
6 Burpees Over Bar
Post time.