Happy Birthday to both CFEC members Diana Towne and Dr. Shelly Hess.

Level 1

”No Time Tuesday”
5 Sets
12 DB Lunges  *AHAP
10 Med Ball Skater Plyos 14#/10#
10 GHD Sit Ups
8/5 Ring or Bar Dips
8/5 Strict Pull Ups
Post load.


Level 2

Back Squat 5X3
5 Sets
1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk *AHAP
Post loads.


CrossFit Old School

21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6
Calorie Row
DB Step Ups 35#/25#  20”/16”
DBPush Jerks
Sit Ups
X2 Double Unders
Post time.