Notice:  We will be having a modified class schedule Monday, 5/30, Memorial Day.  We will have a 5:15 am class and 8:30 am class only.  Please, make a note of it.


Level 1

“No Time Tuesday”
5 Sets

5 Bench Press    *AHAP
10 Barbell Bent Over Rows   *AHAP
12 DB Pull Overs   *AHAP
12 GHD Sit Ups
12 DB Walking Lunges   2 @ 35#/25#
4  50m Sprints
Post loads.


Level 2

5 Sets
3 Pause Front Squats   *AHAP  2 count pause at bottom
1 Pegboard Climb
10 Alternating Handstand Shoulder Touches
10/6 Ring Dips
20 Hollow Rock
Post load.


CrossFit Old School

3 Rounds
1000m Run
21 Thrusters    95#/65#
15 Pull Ups
9 Burpees
Post time.