15 Calories on Airdyne

10 KB Clean to Thrusters  2@ 35#/2 @ 26#

5 Burpees

Rest 4 Minutes.

3 times.


AMRAP in 12 Minutes of:

200m Run

10 Wall Ball  20#/14#

10 Pull Ups

Post fastest split and rounds.

Strength Training Option:

Front Squat  5,5,3,3,1,1

Post loads.

Commentary: CrossFit is run very much on the honor system. We take your word, if you participate, that most of you do the required work during a workout. We assume most everyone can count. There are a few of you that have a hard time counting on your own. For the most part, these individuals often ask for help by having a coach count their reps for them. Not a problem. We're happy to help.  Where the problem lies, is when someone decides that they don't need to count accurately as long as they are somewhere around the right reps. Let me say, your coaches know who you are. We always count your reps. You may not notice, but we do. We know when you short your rep count in a workout just to have a fast time.  The sad part is, anytime you may have an outstanding time in a benchmark workout, it's always going to be met with a large dose of doubt. This makes your efforts not respected. Not because it happens every so often.  It happens a lot.  Don't cheat.  Miss a rep, count it over. Don't hit the standards for a movement, re do the rep.  It's that simple.

One of our members was recently at another CrossFit gym and witnessed an athlete complete Open workout 11.6 alone. No one witnessed or judged his workout. He did the workout and posted his results without batting an eye.  We are NOT that gym.  Don't cheat.