Level One

Deadlifts 185/135#
Handstand pushups
-Rest Til 10:00-
Hang Power Cleans 95/65#
Hand release Pushups
***Scale Weight and/or HSPU to complete first part in 10:00 or less.
3 Rounds (Not for time) *Extra Credit!
1:00 Bar hang
1:00 Plank
1:00 Barbell Overhead Hold 75/55#
-Rest 1:00
-Post Time for each and Extra credit or not

Level Two

Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Burpee To 6” target
-Rest Til 6:00-
Bar muscle ups
Burpee to 6” target
-Rest Til 15:00
Ring Muscle ups
Burpee to 6” target
-Rest Til 28:00
6:00 to find heavy single for squat snatch
**(Workout ends at 34:00)
-Post time for each set and load


2 Sets
3 Rounds
200m Run
24 Wall Balls 20/14#
12 Toes to Bar
24 Air Squats
-Rest 4:00 B/T Sets
**Do 3 Rounds, Rest 4:00, then do 3 more rounds.
-Post Time Minus 4:00