Here’s  another YouTube clip of a discussion about the benefits of the use of a sauna.

Level 1

” No Time Tuesday “
5 Sets
10 Back Squats  *AHAP
10 KB Deadlifts w/feet on risers  70#/53#  4”
10 GHD Sit Ups
10 DB Bent Over Rows ea. arm * AHAP
6/3 Strict Pull Ups
15 Calories on Assault Bike
Post loads.





Level 2

Squat Cleans from Pull Boxes
* Increase load until form breaks down for 20 minutes.
8 Sets
1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk * AHAP
Post loads.





CrossFit Old School

8 Rounds
250m Row
200m Run
21 – 15 – 9
Wall Ball  20#/14#
Pull Ups
X2 Double Unders
Post time.