
This Saturday, November 14th, we will be holding one class at 8 am at the Grossmont College Track.  Please come join us for a challenging workout!


Level 1

E3MOM for 18 Min

6 Pause Back Squats (2 Second Pause in Bottom)

12 GHD Sit Ups


AMRAP in 12 Minutes

200M Run

20 KB Swings 53/35#

10 Toes to Bar

Post load and total rounds plus reps.

Extra Credit

10 Minutes to work on pistols


Level 2

Every :30 Seconds for 20 Intervals

1 Snatch Grip Deadlift

1 Power Snatch

2 Overhead Squats


15 Minute Time Cap

5 Rounds

15 Hang Power Snatches 95/65#

15 Box Jumps 24/20″

Post load and time.

Extra Credit

10 Minutes to work on Strict Muscle Ups


Barbell Club

Every :45 Seconds for 20 Intervals

1 High Hang Clean + 1 Push Jerk


E3MOM for 15 Minutes

5 Deadlifts (Pause 1″ off the ground for 2 Seconds)

Max Set Strict Weighted Ring Dips 35/25#

Post loads.