Level One

On a Running Clock
2 Rounds
Thrusters 95/65#
**Start Second “Fran” @ 10:00
*** Scale to Complete “Fran” In 6:00 or Less
-Cash-Out: (Rest as Needed Before the Mile)
1 Mile Run For Time
-Post Time for Each

Level Two

5 Rounds
1 Minute: 10 Bench Press 165/115#
1 Minute: Max Hand Release Push-Ups
1 Minute: Recovery Ski
-Rest 5:00-
5 Rounds
1 Minute: 10 Back Squat 185/135#
1 Minute: Max Air Squats
1 Minute: Recovery Assault Bike
-Post Number of Total Push-Ups and Squats

Weight Vest

AMRAP 30 Minutes
100m Farmers Carry 2×35/25# DBs
10 DB Thrusters
10 Push-Ups
100m Farmers Carry
5 Devils Press
5 Pull-Ups
-Post Rounds and Reps