Thank you to all who participated in the Hyrox Physical Fitness Test yesterday.  We had a lot of fun.


Level 1

10 Rounds
200m Run
3 Clean and Jerks   115#/75#
5 Pull Ups
7 Box Jumps  20″
Post time.


Level 2

5 Rounds
7 HSPU’s
5 Power Cleans  205#/135#
35 Double Umders
– Rest 3 minutes –
5 Rounds
250m Row
5/3 Muscle Ups
5 Deadlifts  275#/185#
10 Toes to Bar
20 TGU’s   53#/35#
Post time minus 3 minutes and time for TGU’s.


“Weight Vest Wednesday”

2 Rounds
800m Run
50 Step Ups  20″
75 Squats
200 ft. Bear Crawl
2:00 Wall Sit
35 Pull Ups
Post time.