CFEC members out and about.  CFEC sponsoring a tee box at OLG’s fundraising golf tournament.  Alex, Marta and Mary participating in “Sun’s out – Guns out” portion of the tourney.

Level 1

5 Rounds
250m Row
30 Double Unders
20 Russian KB Swings  53#/35#
10 Squat Thrust Box Jump Overs  20″
200m Run
Post time.


Level 2

E2M for 24 minutes
1st minute: 50 Double Unders + 1 Rope Climb  20′
2md minute: 200m Run + 7 Burpees
3rd minute: 10 HSPU’s + 15 GHD Sit Ups
Post Rx or cycles completed.
Extra Credit:
30 TGU’s  53#/44#


CrossFit Old School

AMRAP in 30 minutes
600m Run
20 Wall Ball  20#/14#
12 Pull Ups
10 Burpees
Post rounds plus reps.