Congratulations to Maddie and Brian for having the fastest “Murph” time yesterday.  They each won a 5.11 Tactical Plate Carrier for their efforts.  Thank you 5.11 Tactical for coming down and supporting our classes doing “Murph” and for giving the plate carriers away.
Also, this Friday we are holding an Olympic Weightlifting clinic for anyone who wants to get better at the Clean & Jerk and the Snatch.


Level 1

AMRAP in 15 minutes
10 Deadlifts  185#/135#
20 KB Front Rack Squats  2 @ 35#/2 @ 26#
10 KB Push Jerks
– Rest 5 minutes –
AMRAP in 15 minutes –
200m Run
15/10 Calories on Assault Bike
10 Burpees
Post rep total for each.


Level 2

4 Rounds
200m Farmer’s Walk  2 @ 70#/2 @ 53#
20 KB Swings  70#/53#
20 Toes to Bar
15 Ring Dips
15 GHD Sit Ups
Post time.


CrossFit Old School

“Running Annie”
50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10
Double Unders
Sit Ups
* Run 400m’s after every round.
Post time.