Notice: Monday, September 2nd, is Labor Day. We will have a modified class schedule for Monday. We will have a regular schedule for all morning classes and our noon class will be the last class of the day. Please, make a note.


Level 1

EMOM for 15 minutes
1st minute: 5 Deadlifts 225#/125#
2nd minute: 3 Burpee Pull Ups
3rd minute: 15 Russian KB Swings 70#/53#
21 – 15 – 9
Hang Power Snatch 75#/55#
x 2 Double Unders
Calories on Assault Bike
Post Rx or not and time.




Level 2

Squat Snatch – Heavy Single
* Increase load until form breaks down for 20 minutes.
1000m Row
800m Run
750m Row
600m Run
500m Row
400m Run
Post load and time.




CrossFit Old School

21 – 15 – 9
DB Thrusters 35#/25#
Pull Ups
– Rest 3 minutes –
21 – 15 – 9
DB Hang Power Clean and Jerks
DB Front Rack Lunge Steps
– Rest 3 minutes –
21 – 15 – 9
X 2 Double Unders
DB Angel Press
Post time minus 6 minutes.