Level One 

On a running clock
10 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65#
10 toes to bar
10 bar facing burpees
-@15:00, Take 7 minutes:
To find heavy single Hang Squat Clean
***Extra Credit****
5 Sets
8/6 Strict Pull-ups
8 Bulgarian split squats (each leg) *ahap
10 GHD Sit up
-Post Rounds and Reps and Load 

Level two

Power Clean+Squat Clean+Front Squat+jerk
5 sets of 4 Reps @80% of 1 RM C+J  (pcl/sqtcl/FS/j=1 Set)
**Hang on to bar during sets.
**Set every 2:00
-Rest 5:00
100 cal row
75 GHD Sit ups
50 burpee over rower
-rest 5:00
Thrusters 155/105
Bar muscle ups
-Post Load and Time For Each 


45 Hang Power Cleans 75/55
60/50 Cal Row
75 Push ups
100 Double Unders
75 ab mat sit ups
60/50 Cals on bike
45 Front Squats
-Post time