Level 1
1200m Run
100 Russian KB Swings 53#/35#
30 Pull Ups
100 Double Unders
30 Hand Release Push Ups
100 Push Press 45#/35#
1200m Run
Post time.
Level 2
AMRAP in 5 minutes
Max reps of Back Squats 250#/200#
– Rest 3 minutes –
21 – 15 – 9
DB Front Squats 2 @ 50#/2 @ 35#
Wall Walks
– Rest 3 minutes –
AMRAP in 3 minutes
Max reps of Hang Power Snatches 135#/95#
– Rest 3 minutes –
30 Muscle Ups
Post reps, time, reps and time.
CrossFit Old School
5 Rounds
400m Run
30 Box Jumps 24″/20″
30 Wall Ball 20#/14#
Post time.
L1-Amadi 23:51 RX
Nice work Amadi
L 1
Rose 33:08
Diana 29:49 Rx
Josh 31:46
Jason 35:57 Rx
Mark T. 31:07 Rx
Tim S. 34:04 Rx
Rob 40:13 Rx
Newman 23:19 Rx
Paul 33:56
Cathy 29:59
Vince 34:54
Kennedy 33:26
Mandy 30:02Rx
Ed 27:12Rx
Alex 26:43Rx 44#
Linda 34:32Rx
Antonio 29:06Rx
Marta 46:00
Lisa R 38:53Rx
Steve 41:01
Brenna 41:15
Jessica 33:00Rx 44#
Roselynn 33:21
Tina 35:45Rx
Barb 42:09
Mary 39:38
Savannah 36:55Rx
Sam S 30:31Rx
Trapp 27:25Rx
Nicole 35:28 Rx
Tina H. 33:03 Rx
Sam 29:35 Rx
Baron 32:34
Lisa C. 31:50
BK 23:50Rx
Jimmy 29:40Rx
Jack 28:55Rx
Mike R 39:29Rx
Chris 27:52Rx
Dylan 29:07Rx
Kristine 39:40Rx
Dave 39:20
Fabricio 36:58
Lisa 28:25Rx
Lisa F 28:26Rx
Jake 12@135/17:54/6Rx/4:16
Jeff 30/17:16/8/6:16 Rx all
JoJo 30/11:48/10/6:17 Rx all
Andy 35:39 Rx
Brian 37:35
Kat 43:00
Susan 35:04 Rx
Rob 39:45
Jeff 36:45 Rx
Eric 37:35
Cowboy 34:00 Rx
Garrett 43:44 Rx
Vegard 39:33 Rx
Jennifer 35:00
Hannah 30:30
Mark 37:55
Justin 35:33 Rx
Shane 36:32 Rx
Erica S 43:55 Rx
Blake 31:13 Rx Zeus
Emily- CFOS 28:27RX