Partner Workout
In teams of two, complete the following:
4 Rounds
P1 50 ft. Sled Push 135#/90#
P2 Wall Sit
30 Burpees Over Partner
4 Rounds
P1 10 Squat Cleans 95#/65# + 10 Pull Ups
P2 Handstand Hold
30 Burpees Over Partner
Post time.
Optional Workout
5 Rounds
200m Run
20 Russian KB Swings 53#/35#
250m Row
10 Burpees
Post time.
21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9
Wall Ball 20#/14#
Mt. Climbers R+L=1
Lateral Bench Jumps R+L=1
Sit Ups
*200m Run after every round.
Post time.
5:15 am
Brad/ Newman 20:18 Rx
Rose 25:47
Diana 24:47 Rx
Sara 28:02 Rx 400m’s
Rob 30:51 Rx 400m’s
Andy 18:55 Rx
Erica S. 23:33 Rx
Armando 19:30 Rx
Clarissa 20:19
Emily W. 23:33 Rx
Emily 20:06 Rx
Walt 23:07Rx
Sam S 18:55Rx
Nacho 23:55Rx
Tina 24:57
Barb 31:36Rx
Laurie 38:54Rx
Nicole 32:15Rx 498’s
Jason 33:07 400’s
Josh 19:23Rx
Alex 20:20
Noon OW
Darin 22:30 Rx
Lisa 20:47 Rx
Mariyah 19:34 Rx
5:00 am
Jen / Anna/ Chris 26:41
Kristine/ Andrea 29:23 Rx
Tyler/Severen Rx 37:22
Emma 24:19
Trapp 16:48 Rx
Jeff P. 18:19 Rx
Gary 17:50 Rx
Stephanie 19:23 w