400m Run

50 Double Unders

15 Burpees

3 times.

Rest 3 Minutes.


15 Unbroken Pull Ups X 3

2:00 Ring Plank Holds

2 times.

Rest 3 Minutes.


50 Toes to Bar

Post times.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  The first workout is straight forward. Keep your pace high and minimize rest periods. The second workout is designed to work on your pull ups while fatigued.  You'll do 3 sets of 15 unbroken pull ups before you set yourself on the rings for 2 minutes of ring plank holds.  You have to stay on the rings for the full 2 minutes in order to be Rx'd.  You'll have to determine whether or not you'll complete the set of 15 unbroken pull ups prior to getting on the pull up bars. If you fail on the 15 reps, you can try again or not get Rx'd.  Lastly, do 50 toes to bar as fast as you can for time.

Reminder:  Competitor workouts are to be held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 11:00 a.m.  These are for serious CrossFit athletes looking to compete at a high level in the coming year.  Your paper work should have been turned in to Paul.