10 Power Cleans  115#/78#    ( Comp. 155#/103#)

20 Calories on AirDyne

2 Minute Rest.

3 times.


Complete 50 Burpees with in the fewest intervals of 30 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest.

For example,if can do 25 burpees in 30 seconds,it will take you 1:15 to do 50 burpees.


Press   5 X 2

Post time minus 4 minutes, time and load.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your fitness level. Power cleans are from the ground to shoulders with elbows up high. Go from the power cleans right to the AirDyne and go as hard as possible for 20 calories. The 2 minute rest will give you enough time to recover for the remaining intervals.  The burpee intervals are to get you to go as hard and fast as possible to complete more burpees in a shorter time period. 15 second rest should allow for you to continue the burpees at a fairly high intensity when the work interval come around again.  5 sets of 2 reps in the press is the chaser for the workout.