Back Squat (Percentages are of 1RM)

50% X 10, 70% X 5, 80% X 3, 85% X 2 X 3

Press (Percentages of 1RM)

50% X 8, 65% X 4, 75% X 2, 80% X 2 X 3


10 Accelerating Squats  45#/33# + 60# Chain

30 seconds rest.

40 Skater Plyos

1 minute rest between rounds.

3 times.

Post load and times.

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movement to match your current fitness level. Warm up properly prior to any near max lift attempts. Follow percentages as written and fight the urge to go any heavier.  Leave the ground as much as possible doing the accelerating squats, but stay connected to the bar as you do so. Go all out doing the accelerating squats and skater plyos. You will get a chance to recover in between attempts.