Level I

For 12 minutes on the minute, complete the following couplet:

3 Power Cleans 115#/78#

5 Burpees

Rest 3 minutes, then…

500m Row, SPM no higher than 24 and 500m ETA M -1:50 W-2:05 or less.

50 Wall Ball  20#/16#

Post rounds completed on the minutes, plus subsequent rounds if any, and times.

Level II

Clean and Jerk- Heavy Single



 KB Clean and Jerk  2 X 53#/35#

 Ball Slam Lateral Tire Jump  20#/16#

 Burpee Pull Ups

Finished by 200m Sandbag/KB Farmer Walk  55#/53#   35#/35#

Post load and time.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. Level II's workout is a standard clean and jerk with kettlebells in each hand followed by a ball slam with a lateral hop into the center of the tire and then to the other side with a ball slam. That's one rep. Then a burpee to a pull up. You'll do the circuit 3 times then head out on a farmer walk with one sandbag and one kettlebell. You figure out how to carry the load, but you cannot use the handles on the sandbag.