500m Row, SPM no higher than 24 and 500m ETA M -1:50 W-2:05 or less.


10 Power Snatch 65% of Snatch 1RM

15 Box Jumps 24"/20"

25 Squat Jumps 45#/33#

3 times.


10 One Leg Deadlift 95#/63#

10 Pistols off Box


3 times.


30 TGU's  53#/35#

Post times.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movement to match your current fitness level.  The row portion is part of a new philosophy to use the SPM numbers and ETA numbers to help become more efficient at the rower. Often times we get caught up in just trying to get finished, and we aren't paying attention to how inefficient we are at the rowing strokes. You will see how difficult it is to maintain those numbers for the entire distance. The first workout is pretty straight forward. The single leg deadlifts are no different than a normal DL in that the set up of your posterior musculature must remain tight and your spine protected from any rounding whatsoever. This is primarily a hip flexion and extension movement, therefore, should be felt in the hamstring/glute area. Use a band or pull up upright to help modify the pistols. Keep the bar connected to your body when doing the squat jump. Alternate between arms as much as needed for the 30 rep Turkish Get Ups.

Crockpot Pork Loin

1 2-1/2 – 3 lb Pork Loin

2 Large Zucchini (chopped into 2" slices and quartered)

1 Large Onion (chopped into 1" slices, quartered and somewhat separated)

12 Large Mushrooms (quartered)

1 1/2 Cans Tomato Sauce

Italian Seasoning, Garlic Powder, Sea Salt, Pepper to taste

Olive Oil

Season the pork loin with all spices to taste.  Pour enough olive oil into a large skillet to line the bottom, heat over medium-high heat.   When heated, add pork loin and brown on all sides.  Place pork loin in crockpot, cover with vegetables, sprinkle vegetables with more of the spices to taste, cover all with the tomato sauce.  Cook for minimum of 4 hours until done.  Pork loin will be easily shred with a fork when done.  Serve with a mixed veggie and spring greens salad.  Tastes great as leftovers.