ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: Channel 6 News will be at CFEC live on Friday at 6:00 am to do a feature on our facility. I need as many of you and your friends and family to get to bed early Thursday night and show up refreshed for a 6:00 am workout while the news team is around to do a feature. We have the opportunity to display the wonderful family we are a part of to the rest of San Diego. Please, help us out with a big, enthusiastic crowd this Friday.

Level 1

5 Power Cleans  95#/63#

5 Front Squats

10 Box Jumps 24"/20"

5 times.


50,100, 150,100, 50

Unbroken Jump Rope Ladder

Post times.

Level II

5 Power Cleans  155#/103#

5 Front squats

10 Kneeling Box Jumps  24"/20"

5 times.



Unbroken Double Under Ladder

Post times.

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movement to match your current fitness level. In this workout, you do 5 power cleans and then go right into front squats. Do your box jumps and go right back at it for 5 rounds. For the jump rope ladder, you cannot have any misses. If you are on 100 and you miss at 79, you must start all over again. If it calls for 50, you must stop at 50 before you move on to the 100's.