Complete all exercises in straight sets, no rests until cycles are complete.

Workout #1

Bodyweight Bench Press X 10

Chest to Bar Pull Ups X 12

GHD Sit Ups X 20

3 Rounds.  2 minute rest per cycle.

Workout #2

Pistols on Box X 10 per Leg

Pause Front Squats  X 8  95#/63#

Ball Slams X 20   20#/16#

3 Rounds. 2 minute rest per cycle.

Workout #3

Renegade Row X 10  35#/25#

TGU X 4  45#/33#

3 Rounds. 2 minute rest per cycle.

Post Rx'd or not.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movement to match your current fitness level. There is no time element to this workout other than the rest period at the end of each cycle. The idea is to build strength, both physical as well as mental, while doing the exercises in a straight set ( no rest).  Example: WO #1 you do the bench press, go right to the CTB pull up and then right to the sit ups. Then you rest for 2 minutes.  You do this 3 cycles or rounds. The pause front squats are front squats with a 2 count pause at parallel, then go to full depth and then full extension. Don't rest below parallel, as this will cause your hamstrings to disengage in the movement. Renegade row is 10 total reps, as is the Turkish get up.

Congratulations to Dan Johnson and Matt Burdzinski on their completion of CFEC's Beginners' Course.  We welcome you into the Level I classes with open arms, fresh stop watches and eagle eyes.  You will both be awesome!

It is that time of year to bless those less fortunate than ourselves.  Dan Wilson has dropped off the toy collection box for the City of Refuge.  Please bring in an unwrapped toy for children ages 0-17 by December 18th.  If you would like more information, please contact Dan Wilson at [email protected] or go to


How much fun was yesterday's workout?  Judge for yourself…