3 Rounds for time.
10 Squat Cleans (135#/95#)
20 Pull Ups
30 OH Walking Lunges (45#/25#)
500m Row
5 Muscle Ups
Post time to comments.
Coaching Tips: Always scale load and reps to fit your current fitness level. All movements are ones everyone should know how to perform, the only real modification is on the muscle up. For the muscle up, 15 ring dips will be the substitution. We will give a quick demonstration on the muscle up as part of the warm up, but this movement needs to be given your full attention if your are one of those that are very close to getting your first muscle up. The transition between going from the pull move to the press move is the major reason most have not been able to complete this movement. Work on it.
"The Incredible Shrinking Man"
By Paul Flores
First of all, let me say that this story is long overdue in being told on the pages of CFEC's blog. Dan Wilson has been coming to CFEC for over a year now and I have to say he has made one of the most amazing transformations I have seen in my 10 years of being in the fitness industry. When he started, he was trying to lend his support to his fellow LEO who was training to make the S.D.County Sheriff's S.W.A.T. team by being his training partner. At that time he weighed 265 pounds, could hardly do a legit push up and struggled to complete a workout with out calling 911. Along the way a light must have gone off in Dan's head, because he made up his mind to totally dedicate himself to being a great CrossFit athlete. Talk about inspiration. Watching Dan put his all into all aspects of CrossFit, from doing his push ups legit, getting his first pull up, to changing his dietary habits, made those around him stand and take notice at the progress he was now making. Today, Dan weighs 210 pounds and has his name on a few of the benchmark workouts posted on the CFEC whiteboards. He always has a smile and walks into the gym with a terrific attitude. He has made a bunch of new friends and is one of the most inspiring members at CFEC. Way to go Dan. You are the MAN.
Dano in March 2008 struggling with scaled Burpees.
Dano Summer 2009, doing it all RX'd and looking GOOD doing it!
Thanks Paul for the nice article. I do have to say though, that I have never felt as part of a gym/club than I have at CFEC. I really feel the people I have met over the past year and a half have really inspired me to better myself every time I workout. I feel the trainers (including you) really care about my performance, technique, and goals, more than just collecting a check every month. I feel this gym is not just a gym with people in it but more as a family. I look forward to coming here everyday and if for some reason I can’t I feel bummed. If you asked me a year and half ago about losing close to 70lbs (cuz actually I weighed in at 276) I would have thought you were crazy because there’s no way I could afford the liposuction. I never imagined I would lose that much and see those little bumps in my belly. I can’t wait to see what this next year holds for me as i try to set my goals even higher. Thanks again Paul, Teshina, and Lisa for being there.
Rose 30:46 mod.
Kimee 2 Rds. mod.
Lisa 28:26 Rx
Phil 31:15 Rx
Jon R. 28:40 mod.
Robert 1 3/4 Rds. mod.
Scott 2 3/4 Rds Rx
Don 22;14 Rx
Paul 24:51 Rx
DAMN Dano! You use to look more like Rerun from What’s Happenin’ than I looked like Buddha! If there was ever a partner wod that included an all you can eat buffet and Krispy Kreme chaser bar you and I could have cleaned up!
You’re lookin’good brother. Denzel ain’t got sh_t on you!
Wow..what a great story!! I feel the same say you do Dano, can’t wait to see what the next year has in store for us doing CrossFit regularly. Keep up the great work!! You look awesome.
9:00 am
Julie 31:24
Roselynn 32:17
Kim 33:29
Tina 31:16
Teshina 29:26
Traci 34:47
Kevin 28:06 2rds
Dano 34:17
Dusty 31:24
Chad 31:00 2rds Rx
Kren 37:22 2rds
Michelle St. 32:10
Michelle Z. 27:50
Dawn 29:11
10:00 am
Sara 30:00 2 rds
Tony A. 29:00 2rds
Brad 41:08 Rx
Robert 38:20
I should have stayed home with that performance…BOO!!!
You and I kinda have been on a similar track (time wise) and it inspires me to see your progress. Watching you fight through the pain of a tough WOD has helped me on more than one occasion, though I never mentioned anything at the time. Thanks for keeping it totally real…that’s where it’s at!
Laurie (aka: TeamFancyPants 0.5, GladForceFlex, The Dude)
Kim,it sure was nice to finally see you back at the gym. Tina and I always look forward to your wit and humor. Now let’s see if your husband makes it in.
That workout was tough!!
Dan, whenever you’re working out with me I always try to push myself to keep up with you. Very inspiring story indeed, a poster-child for Crossfit and for your diet!
Jon 35:08 Rx
Amelia 44:38
Ed 2rds 30:00
Rebecca 35:54
Dean 42:51
Pete 34:10
Bill 36:10
Jeremiah 37:25
Sonya 45:40
Jeff D. 2rds
Jim D. 27:53
Chris 35:59
Michelle 35:28
Jeff A. 2rds
David 40:06
Pam 44:47
Mayda 42:36
Jim,I’m glad you made it back in, bro. The first few workouts are gonna hurt, but you’ll get back to being your old self again real soon.
Jeff, it was a pleasant surprise to see you again. I’m glad you’re back and you can rest assured that there will be a few of us around to keep you accountable so you never get so “well rested” again. Welcome back.
Just saw that I did this workout in 31:15 Rx. I wish! I think I actually had 2 rounds (modified) in 31:15.
Suggestion for others: don’t take a month off!
I was reading some of your content on this internet site and I believe this website is very informative! Keep on putting up.