"Running Grace"
For Time:
1 Mile Run
30 Clean and Jerk (135#/95#)
1 Mile Run
Post Time to Comments.
compare to 07/09/08.
Review: Range of Motion
By Paul Flores
As most of you have heard by now is the lecture by your coaches that we want "consistency before intensity." What that truly means is finding your range of motion for any one movement before being introduced to any external load. For some, this has been a long road to conquer.
When it comes to a movement like the squat, the road to consistency can be very uncomfortable. Most new comers to Crossfit have what we call an "immature squat." The firing off of the muscles in proper sequence to achieve the full range of motion has to be taught and practiced in order to acheive a "mature squat." Sometimes practiced over and over again.
Scott was someone who had a very immature squat when he started CrossFitting a year ago. Very tight hip muscles would not allow Scott to get to the bottom of the squat without a lot of pain and discomfort. With a lot of practice and consistency, he has won out on a proper squat position. Not only that, he has brought up a ton of intensity as well. Note pictures below. That's his lovely wife, Monica, showing great range of motion too.
Pablo, are you saying Scotty’s not immature anymore??? Heck I remember when Scotty first came to cfec his hips were sooo tight he couldn’t even squat on a bar stool. Great job Scotty. Julia’s class is really helping huh??
Monica, great squats today. But do you always grin real big when you out-squat your husband or was your pony tail too tight today?
Rose 32:23 65#
Kimee 32:50 35#
Laurie 27:45#
Deborah 34:20
Cap’n 26:27 Rx
Jack 34:20 115#
Steve 24:07 Rx
Keenan 31:54 Rx
Phil 28:58 95#
Pablo 22:00 Rx
Robert 31:57 95#
FYI: The compare to data will be correct for men but not for women, we used the incorrect weight for women (85# instead of 95#)
Paul PR’d by over 4 minutes
Wow! Paul Rocks!
800m run
rest 1 minute
1000m row
rest 1 minute
400m run
rest 1 minute
500m row
rest minute
200m run
rest 1 minute
250m row
Steve Pr’d this WOD by going Rx and beating his time by 2 minutes. Way to go Steve-O.
Julie 32:05 53#
Tony P. 34:40 100#
Delia 32:58 45#
Katie 24:22 65#
Kim 25:33 75# PR
Deanna 31:49 35#
Teshina 22:17 Rx
Mike 30:10 Rx
Piper 31:26 45#
Tina 27:19 65# PR
Laura 30:15 45#
Anniken 23:28 85#
Jake 24:44 115#
Traci 28:15 53#
Burger 24:47 100#
Brandon 24:47 95#
Jason 21:50 #115
Justin 24:22 Rx
Vande 27:23 35#
Pete 25:12 Rx
Julia 32:28 Rx
Bill 31:08 95#
Tyler 27:11 75#
Tony 22:09 Rx
Sara 34:19 35#
Jim A. 27:57 105#
Linda 32:30 55#
Dana 27:25 53#
Sonya 31:05 55#
Newman 19:03 Rx
Doug 26:35 115#
Chris 31:29 115#
Ricky 30:04 65#