Level 1
3 Rounds
100 Jump Rope Reps
25 Burpees
400m Run
30 Med Ball Cleans 20#/14#
30 Push Ball
30 Med Ball Cleans
400m Run
Post time.







Level 2

100 Double Unders

5 Clean and Jerks  155#/103#
4 Muscle Ups
10 Clean and Jerks
8 Muscle Ups
800m Run
8 Muscle Ups
10 Clean and Jerks
4 Muscle Ups
5 Clean and Jerks
100 Double Unders
Post time.





CrossFit Old School
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
12 Wall Ball  20#/14#
12 Box Jumps  20″
12 Pull Ups
12 KB Swings  53#/35#
12 Calorie Row
Post rep total.