Level 1
20 minute time cap.
1500m Row (Buy In)
50 Ball Slams  25#/20#
40 KB Swings 53#/35#
30 Knees to Elbows
20 Power Cleans  95#/63#
10 Burpee to 6″ Target.
* After completion of he row, the remaining exercises can be partitioned out in any order.
Post time or reps completed.






Level 2
20 minute time cap.
1500m Row (Buy in)
50 Flip Squats  53#/44#
40 Toes to Bar
30 Ring Dips
20 CTB Pull Ups
10 TGU’s  53#/44#
* After completion of the row, the remaining exercises can be partitioned out in any order.
Post time or reps completed.


Congratulations to Brady Aiken and the entire Aiken family.  As you may or may not know, yesterday was the first day of the 2014 Major League Baseball first year player draft.  CFEC’s own, Brady Aiken was selected as the number one draft pick by the Houston Astros.  It was such an exciting process to witness first hand.  Tina and I thank Jim and Linda Aiken for inviting us in on their son’s special day.
To think that every kid that plays Little League baseball dreams of playing professional baseball, just like their heroes they watch on T.V.  To realize that only a select few ever make it to that level, is beyond belief.  To actually know a kid who made those dreams come true, is certainly mind blowing.  Brady has worked very hard to make those dreams come true.  Brady, you deserve all of your success.  Good luck in the BIGS!  We all wish you well.