Level 1

“Filthy Fifty”

50 Box Jumps 20′

50 Jumping Pull Ups

50 KB Swings 35/26#

50 Walking Lunges

50 Knees to Elbows

50 Push Press 45/33#

50 GHD Hip Extensions

50 Wall Ball 20/14#

50 Burpees

50 Double Unders

Post time.


Level 2

10 Min Time Cap:

“Heavy Grace”

30 Clean and Jerks 185/123#

Rest 5 Min

Partners: 2 Mile Run with a KB 53/35#

*Partners can switch at any time during the run.  If KB touches the ground, 50 burpees

Post times.


CF Old School

5 Min Max Calories Airdyne

Number of Calories = Number of Burpee Reps

Max Reps Pull Ups in the time it took to complete burpees

Number of Pull Ups = Number of Power Snatches 75/53#

Max Reps Double Unders in time it took to complete snatches

Post reps for each and total time.


Happy Birthday to Police Chief Ed Aceves!