Emily and Milly taking the 2nd step of the podium this weekend.  Great work ladies.



Level 1

5 Sets

300M Row

12 Wall Ball 20/14#

12 Pull Ups

Rest 2 Min

Post fastest and slowest split times.


Level 2

5-10-15-10-5 reps of

Deadlifts 275/185#

Bench Press 155/105#

Rest 5 Min

3 Rounds

15 Bodyweight Back Squats

400M Run

Post time minus rest.


Barbell Club

EMOM for 10 Min

Odd: 3 Overhead Squats @ 90%1RM

Even: 3 Jerks @ 90%1RM


3×15 Wtd GHD Hip Extensions

3×15 Wtd GHD Sit Ups


400M Farmer’s Walk 2@70#/2@53#

Post loads and time.


CF Old School

“Flight Simulator”


Unbroken Double Unders

*Must stop after every set

Post time.