Teshina representing her team on the podium this weekend.  Her partner was Briley, who shot over to the competition right after she got off of work.  After a long day of competition, Briley needed to get some sleep, so she left right after the competition was completed.  Not knowing that she and Teshina placed third, Briley missed the photo op.  Congrats ladies.




Friday, December 19th following the 5pm class will be be having a game night, pot luck, and white elephant gift exchange!  Sign ups for the pot luck will be at the front desk.  Please bring the whole family!


Level 1

AMRAP in 6 Min

20′ DB Walking Lunges 35/25#

10 DB Push Press

20′ DB Walking Lunges

10 DB Front Squats

Rest 2 Min

AMRAP in 6 Min

15 Box Jumps 20″

15 Ball Slams 25/20#

Rest 2 Min

AMRAP in 6 Min

25 Sit Ups

10 Toes to Bar

Post total number of reps for each.


Level 2

4 x 400M Sprints

Rest 1 Min between each


4 x 500M Row Sprints

Rest 1 Min between each


4 x 2 Min Max Calories Airdyne

Rest 1 Min between each

Post fastest time for each and highest calorie output.


Barbell Club

EMOM for 30 Min: 1 Squat Clean and Jerk

1st 10 Min: build up to 1RM

2nd 10 Min: 80%1RM

3rd 10 Min: build back to 1RM


Good mornings 5,5,5,5,5

Post loads.