
Friday, December 19th following the 5pm class will be be having a game night, pot luck, and white elephant gift exchange!  Sign ups for the pot luck will be at the front desk.  Please bring the whole family!


Level 1

1 Mile Run

30 Clean and Jerks 95/63#

1 Mile Run

Post time.


Level 2

7 Rounds

1 Rope Climb

1  60′ High Sled Push 180/120#

10 Overhead Squats 135/93#

Post time.


Barbell Club

EMOM for 10 Min

Odd: 3 Deadlifts @ 90%1RM

Even: 5 Strict HSPU


EMOM for 15 Min

1 High Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Snatch

Post loads.


CF Old School

3 Rounds

1 Min Each Station for max reps of

Power Snatches 95/63#

Overhead Squats

Lateral Bar Hops (R+L=1)

Bent Over Rows

Bar Rollouts

Rest 1 Min

Post one total number of reps.